Decoration and arts and crafts

Minéalithe© can be cast in conventional silicone molds. Thanks to its exceptional reproduction fidelity, it is possible to produce museum, decorative or ornamental elements (ornamentation, modenature, furniture, fireplaces, jewelry, statues, etc.). The mastery of a vanished technology of low-temperature, self-glazing sand earthenware opens up unprecedented prospects for an original art form.
Art and History

Minéalithe©’s ability to produce “soft stones” with the same chemical composition as many natural rocks, using technology within the reach of ancient civilizations, makes it possible to create megaliths that are impossible to carve and transport. Art history will be strengthened by an identical replica.

Lithosynthesis©, with its mechanism close to that of the natural formation of “stones” in the human body (teeth, bones, kidney stones, etc.), makes it possible to design bone prostheses using the same components, and in 3D printing.
Aerospace and Automotive

Collaborations have already been initiated to enable design offices to work together on innovative applications, or the creation of specific lithosynthesized tools or novel technical ceramics.
Recycling industry

Minéalithe© can encapsulate and inert the most technical and harmful materials, whether metallic, mineral, chemical or even plant-based.

Minéalithe© can be molded, cast, extruded, printed or coated. It gives the resulting product uncommon mechanical and environmental characteristics, equivalent or superior to most cements and concretes, with the added bonus of incomparable “STONE” aesthetics.